måndag 28 januari 2013

En dag kommer du att sakna henne som hon saknade dig. En dag kommer du behöva henne som hon behövde dig. En dag kommer du att älska henne och hon kommer inte att älska dig.

måndag 31 december 2012

A long message !

I spent 4 months trying to figure out what I did wrong. I spent 4 fucking months trying to understand how you could love me one day, and say u had absolutely no feelings for me the next. I spent 4 months trying to get over you. Thinking this school year I would be okay. and if I saw u occasionally I wouldn't care. but fuck that. I'm still not over u. And I don't think I ever will be. Because as much as I try to deny it, you were, and will always be my first love. But you were also my first true heartbreak. And every time I see you I'm filled with anger and sadness. I'm enraged that u don't give me any acknowledgment. You pretend you don't even know me. And I am angry that you destroyed me like that and don't even care. And finally, I'm sad. Sad that I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that you will truly never come back to me. Never like me. And never love me like you did. So after 4 months of constant torture, you come at me and say Hey? No. Don't talk to me. All you're gonna did is bring back more memories. And worse then memories? My fucking feelings that I had for you, so just stop talking to me before you add to the amount of emotional damage you've cause to my life

måndag 24 december 2012

Jadu, om du ändå vore min igen :/

Om du fortfarande gillat mig skulle du aldrig låta mig känna så här på julafton.. :(
I miss u too much !

lördag 22 december 2012

rätt sant , ja !

Det största brott föräldrar kan begå mot sina barn är att ha glömt sin egen barndom.

Min kärlek till dig är enkel, rak och sann. Det är bara jag som krånglar ibland. 

onsdag 19 december 2012


Varje gång är som den första gång vi sågs,
Även om de är över nu,
Allting har förändrats men du finns kvar,
Allt var svävande men nu ser jag klart